Toft - Bourn Brook Project

Spring Update - First Project

Posted: 21st March 2024

To coincide with this year's Spring Feast we shall be doing our first count of invertebrates in the Brook. It would be great if you can find time to help on the morning of Saturday 4th May.

The sampling will involve the kick sampling technique, as shown in the video.

We intend to have two sampling sites, both close to the village. We will have a couple of nets for those who wade in the stream. Both sites will be shallow as kick sampling does not work in deeper water so should be safe for wading.

We will have tables, trays and bottles for sorting samples at the stream bank as well as invertebrate identification charts and record forms to log information on what we find. This survey will obviously depend on the level of the stream and on the weather but hopefully we will have a fun morning assessing the status of our invertebrate populations.

If you would like to take part, please use the contact form to get in touch or email Jane or Cynan.

Kick off meeting

Posted: 4th December 2023

There was a very good turnout for the initial meeting on 2nd December to discuss the Brook, the meeting featuring fascinating talks about the state of our local waterways. we plan to post the talks here shortly.

The formation of a group to work on the project is being considered - please keep checking back for more details.

In the meantime, if you would like more information or would like to help, please use the contact form to get in touch.

Kick off meetingKick off meeting

Meeting to discuss Bourn Brook

Saturday 2 December at 3.00pm at The People’s Hall, Toft

  • Did you know that a part of Bourn Brook, which passes through our parish, is designated as a chalk stream?
  • Do your children play and paddle in the Brook?
  • Have you seen kingfishers swooping under the bridge at Brookside?
  • Does the state of our countryside and rivers matter to you?

If you are interested in hearing about our river, come on Saturday 2 December at 3pm for a short presentation by The Cam Valley Forum and a discussion about the Brook’s future.

We would like to monitor the water quality, observe the wildlife and investigate the ways that pollution is getting into our river.

Whether you want to join us by pulling on your wellies and investigating the water, by sitting at your desk to make sense of the data, or would just like to know what’s happening, you will be very welcome

Bourn Brook circa 1983